Saturday, February 25, 2012


Got a new tablet, so taking it for a test drive. Now I just need to draw the other guy... This guy is actually the other guy's uncle... Weirded me out the first time I heard that.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Green Screen Fun

So I found an old video from SCAD that I made when we got to mess around with the green screen. It's still a bit rougher than what I'd like it to be, but it was made more for fun than anything so... 
I hope I get a chance at some point to go back, re-edit it, and add an ending or possibly more dancers... either way, it was a good time...

Monday, January 9, 2012


Got turned down for a job I had REALLY wanted, but those things happen. Not gonna let it stop me, and actually working on a short at the moment that should make me feel better so... Anyhoo, will post the storyboards when I finish them.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Felt like making another 30 minute animation today. This time it's just a simple bear, but I wanted to do some masking because I always liked how it looked on "Chowder." I miss that show btw... Shnitzel was the man. But yeah, let me know what ya think!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Got bored and made a little ghost animation in about 30 minutes. I think he's cute... *ahem* in a manly sort of way.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A doodle for a friend

Supposed to be a "Keeper of Secrets" from Warhammer holding the "Mr. Burn's Mystery box." Fairly ok with how it turned out, just got kind of annoying trying to do any really intricate detailing since my tablet is the size of a notecard and doesn't register movement that isn't at least halfway across the face of it. Long story short, I need a new tablet... And while we're at it a scanner. Have a bunch of stuff just sitting in my sketchbooks I'm wanting to color... Now I know what I should have asked for for Christmas, over a week after it passed.
OH, also I finally figured out a sort of flatbook widget, so check that out if you get the chance! It's under the "About Me" stuff. And as usual, critique away.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Before I forget...

So I can't believe I still haven't posted this guy yet, did him for the Munny show last spring, got like 4th or something if I remember right.  I guess it was a bit too creepy?  Oh well, can't account for other's taste XD.
See, I think he's adorable, but what do I know apparently...